Liver Disease Registry

Purpose: To develop and establish a Liver Disease Registry for the purpose of progressing research in the field of hepatology.


Overall, about 1 in 10 Americans (30 million in total) have some type of liver disease.

-Progression of chronic liver disease may lead to end stage liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma and eventually liver transplant.

-To develop future research programs and improve the quality and availability of treatments, better research tools are needed. With this in mind, we have established this Registry, which will consist of comprehensive data on subjects with a variety of chronic liver diseases.


Specific aim: Hepatology patients in the University of Arizona Health Network clinics will be offered the opportunity to participate in the Liver Disease Registry. Patients who choose to participate will “sign a consent” to either or both of the following: participation in the Registry and permission to be contacted for future clinical trials/studies.


By participating in the Liver Disease Registry, the patients’ medical records at all University of Arizona Health Network clinics and University of Arizona Medical Centers will be reviewed, and data points will be collected in a secure database. The database will be created by and hosted in a protected server at the Clinical and Translational Sciences Research Center at the University of Arizona. The Registry will provide a comprehensive picture of the local patient population and its disease processes; it will also allow for evaluation of current diagnostic tools, treatment, and treatment outcomes. Using this information, we will be able to identify opportunities for improvement in the care of hepatology patients in Southern Arizona.